Friday, July 12, 2013


June 10th
19 Miles
A Saddle Between Two Mountains

Minus the last five miles of today, I hated Hated today. It wasn't even about the terrain which was extremely lackluster. Part of it had to do with the fact that there was practically no on trail water all day today. A majority of today was spent on dirt roads around a clear cut treeless area with the highest density of horseflies I have experienced within my 25 years of living. Can anyone guess the thing I truly despise the most while hiking?

Horseflies...fuck them I fucking hate them. Excuse my vulgarity a bit but if you have ever experienced a horsefly swarming around you as you walk only to land on place of skin inaccessible to swat so they can naw a chunk of flesh out of you then you might understand it. Now take that horsefly and add another one to five more at the same time and that's what I dealt with for endless hours today in the exposed heat. I would kill one and magically two more would appear as if I swatted a horsefly in half and made another. I lost my shit 3/4 of the day in with these bastardly little pests and more and more came and attacked. I hated today.

I did encounter a large male elk close up and scared it off before dinner which was a positive highlight of the day. We then climbed up onto the divide for the last five miles and the horseflies finally went away. Mosquitoes reemerged but I could handle them they are NOTHING compared to horseflies. End rant. I did catch a portion of a rainbow and the sunset up on the divide which was nice but that about all the joy I received today. Better days ahead.

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