Monday, September 3, 2012

Mt. McLoughlin - Mile 1795 - 8/28

Woke up to the bitter cold again. Flagman was gone hours ago but Diesel wasn't as motivated to get out at 5 mostly because of the cold and condensation. The morning hike consisted of big sprawls of boulder fields which I found out was at one time lava flows. It was a very cool environment to hike through. After a few miles I turned the corner and a huge mountain faced me. Two dayhikers I talked to informed me that it was Mt. McLoughlin. It stood towering over everything surrounding it. The volcanic mountains of the cascades are really dramatic in the landscape. As usual, it was a bit hazy from fires but after hiking around it the wind blew most the smoke out and made for a great view. I had lunch/nap around a curious young buck who took off when I woke up. Towards the end if the day my feet started aching really really badly. My arches were super sore and the balls of my feet felt bruised. The last few miles to camp were a struggle but you gotta do what you gotta do.

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