Friday, August 17, 2012

Postal Rush - 8/9-12

The goal was to get to Castella by 10am on Saturday. This was a pretty big deal if we pulled it off. The post office closes at ten in the morning and in order for Spins to get her pack and send the old one bac,k the PO needs to be open. So we set out after Burney Falls and pushed some big days. Big enough days that I don't have much to say beside it was a bunch of hiking. We got a ride towards town on Saturday with two trout fisherman, one who lives in Mt. Shasta and the other visiting from Maryland. Unfortunately it was already noon and the PO doesn't open until Monday morning so we just went up to Shasta and was dropped off at the health food store. I ran into Navi and Natty and they planned on camping down in Castella at the campground because all the hotels were really expensive so spins an I figured we'd end up doing the same. We went to the other grocery store where Spins ended up talking to a wonderful lady named Renee who offered us a place to stay for the night at her house with her partner Luanne and son Cooper. So we walked on back to their place got cleaned up and situated at their fantastically arranged place. We went out for burgers and beer later that night. The next morning Renee offered us their house to stay for Sunday night as well because they knew we were stuck until the post office opened Monday morning. Spins and I hit the movies (seeing Batman.....again and the Campaign). When we got back we went with Luanne, Renee, and Cooper over to their friends house for dinner an to catch the olympics closing ceremonies. Dinner was excellent and the ceremonies were quite.....British. I just want to say thank you again to Luanne, Renee, and Cooper you all were so hospitable and welcoming. You made my stay in Mt. Shasta something so much more special. I could have easily spent time in town and the campground but because of your kindness I now have an even greater memory and experience along this trip.

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