Woke up thus morning about four miles from the Andersons place, known as Casa de Luna, and planned on spending the rest of the day/night there so I slept in until 9am. It was glorious to wake up and know that I didn't have to get moving right away, even though I've been able to do that for the past few days.
The four miles went by quickly and I got a hitch really quickly to the Andersons. I arrived to a chorus of slow claps building into applause which was pretty funny and felt welcomed immediately by them. I also had an unexpected gift waiting for me and this is why:
Way back around the Deep Creek/
Hot Spring area I found a small iPod nano on the ground in the bushes and figuring it was a hikers took it along up trail. That night I crossed a bridge with a note looking for said iPod. So I contacted the hiker named Trip and was going to meet him at Cajon Pass. Well after slowing down for Spins' injury he ended up further ahead. This happened for three more towns and finally I got to the Saufleys and he said he was on his way back to the Andersons from a side trip to Vegas so I sent the iPod with another hiker uptrail and it finally rejoined it's rightful owner. This little epic journey got me a six pack of Sierra Nevada and like five HUGE candy bars as a thank you left for me. So good deeds are noticed!!
Anyways, I had a beer or two shared the rest an grabbed a bite at the local cafe which was pretty tasty for the middle of nowhere. While at lunch Spins and I decided that instead of only hiking four miles today we'd hike out and shoot for another ten because the Andersons wasn't really hopping with the crowd of people there. So after lunch, packed up grabbed a bunch of water and headed up into the mountains. On the way up there were a network of manmade caves, none really going anywhere but regardless I crawled into a bunch of them and explored for a bit. They were pretty cool and maybe at one time connected but now were only dead ends. The weather was quite blustery going up and it'll be chilly tonight but compared to the extreme heat that could be here in this section, I'm not complaining.
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