Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Back on the Trail - Mile 474 - 6/5

After being dropped off by Bill near the Saufleys it was back on the trail after a few days off and it felt good, except for my heavy ass pack. I over resupplied my food and had a bunch of water, this stretch is pretty few and far between for water unfortunately, so I was moving slowly to say the least. The forecast called for unseasonably colder days (15 below average) and I was quite alright with that! Climbed up through the low lying clouds into the mountains and rode the ridge for the most of the day. The weather was perfect, low 70's with a slight breeze which was a godsend because this is supposed to be the hottest stretch of trail on the whole PCT. While hiking throughout the day I ran into a few familiar faces and ended up hanging around the hikers oasis for a bit, which is a water cache set up by the Andersons. The trail had a fake skeleton arm and leg with hiking gear on it before the cache and the cache itself was decorated under the trees with lawn chairs, blow up zombies, skeletons, and other fun things. The cooler was stocked with Natty Ice and off-brand mountain dew as well as plenty of water. It was a nice place for a break! I also met a hiker, Tuna Helper, who is going for the unassisted speed record so needless to say I won't see him ever again ha! Hiked four more miles past the cache and set up my tent because the clouds looked as if they might open up over night (which they thankfully didn't) and had a successful 20 mile first day back. It felt good....oh so good to be back on the trail again!

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