Friday, October 4, 2013

Day 101 - Slackin' in the Snow

September 27th
13.2 Miles
Turquoise Lake

Spins and I woke up to Molasses making a fantastic huge portion of food for breakfast which was quite a treat. Outside it was grey and cloudy, not necessarily the ideal conditions for hiking. Over breakfast, we worked out a slack pack for the day from the pass to Turquoise Lake. We emptied our packs minus warm things and some food and hit the trail around noon in a cloud with flurries raining down. We busted out the rain pants, rain jacket, gloves, and umbrella and took off. The trail was graded and quite pretty in the snow falling down but quite cold. It was uphill all morning for pretty much the first eight miles and as we came up to 11,700' there was snow on the ground as well as the mountains in the distance.
We hustled downward to lower elevations and warmerish conditions. About two miles from the trailhead we ran into Molasses heading up to check out the lakes. Continuing down we hit the trailhead to strong winds and snow but got to enjoy the fantastic comfort of a heated car heading towards a heated house and bed. Ahhh slack packing is wonderful. We made big Greek salads and tomato, basil, mozzarella sandwiches for dinner and went to bed hoping the snow would stop soon.

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