Friday, September 13, 2013

Day 85 - COLORADO and the Wet Wyoming Trail

September 11th
20.4 Miles 
Waypoint 8.8 on the Wyoming Trail

This morning Spins and I waited for the rain to stop again and got everything packed and water filtered by quarter of 9. Panama and Beth caught up to us when we were filtering and we followed shortly down the road as it began to drizzle. After turning off the road we walked through the forest for a few miles until we came upon this:
Colorado!!!! I walked across and did as I do every state boundary and peed into the previous state, that being my last action in Wyoming. The rain had stopped, blue sky and sunshine appeared overhead and I hoped it was a sign of good things to come. Panama and Beth soon caught us and crossed over and we snacked at the border. Spins and I then took of and crunched out six miles of up and down and mostly more up with the rain increasing as we went up. So much for the nice weather. Thunder cracked sporadically and we cooked lunch with a small bit of sunshine and blue sky in between two huge monster storms. 

After lunch all hell broke loose from the skies. It started as a light steady rain and quickly progressed into torrential downpour. Ironically, the trail into Colorado is called the Wyoming Trail which is an ATV path. The path at this point became two streaming rivers of chocolate milk colored dirt water flowing every which way and overflowing as well. We did our best to stay dry(thanks to the umbrellas) and avoided any major wipeouts in the mud while it was pouring. We for to our spot for the night after slipping down the steeper mud path and came to a thicket of aspen where Panama and Beth were already set up. They got soaked setting up and had enough of the weather and wetness. The rain confidentially ceased and we set up our tent and got everything organized just in time for it to pour again. It's currently letting loose right now and hopefully it'll get all out of its system by the morning. I could use a day to dry some gear out!

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