27 Miles
East Araphaho Creek
So this morning Spins and I loaded up with water from a cow trough for our 30 mile stretch without water until Benton Springs. I decided to carry five liters of water which meant a liter of water for every six miles...which is definitely not enough but five liters is ten pounds ten ounces. The morning was alright until the heat picked up and with that the wind picked up as well. That rendered my umbrella useless and made the day HOT. There was no shade and I sparingly drank my water just in case we didn't make it that 30 miles. At lunch we were ten to twelve miles in which meant it was going to be a late night. After lunch the wind died down a little and I was able to use my umbrella which made a huge difference. It started to get dark and the temperature was great but the dehydration and miles wore both of us down. I had about a liter left and we started our hike into the dark. The wind picked up again and light ing and thunder struck closer and closer in the distance. It began to rain and Spins and I hit our breaking point threeish miles from Benton Springs. East Araphao creek had a small puddle which we despreaey scooped up but it was basically cow piss so we didn't use it. By the time we were set up we were to tired to make dinner so I ate a bar and went to sleep with less than half a liter of water left but tomorrow the glorious oasis of Benton Springs is withing an hour from tonight's camp.
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