Sunday, August 18, 2013

Day 50 - Outta Lima

August 7th
16.8 Miles
Rock Spring

After hanging out late watching junk TV, this morning left me a little groggy. Panama got in late last night and we all went over to the diner for breakfast and a bunch of coffee. Breakfast was delicious and Spins and I finished off the rest of the ice cream we had yesterday for desert. We hung around the motel for another hiker to get back from the PO. Mike, from the mountain view motel, who refused to take money for any ride drove us back to the trail and we were hiking by noon. The first seven or so miles were uneventful road walking on dirt car trail past cattle. We then followed the state line which is a barbed wire fence for a couple miles. After a decent climb, we heard bells. Then barking. A few feet later a large herd of sheep came running around from nowhere. I immediately grabbed a stick because I knew there would be sheep herding dogs and I wasn't in the mood to be barked at or aggressively screwed with. This big ol' white dog came up smelled me and let me pet him so we were all good. Coming out of the trees we came across a pack horse and a Hispanic man who I'm assuming spoke no english on a horse as well. We exchanged nods and a wave and went along our way. Spins and I got to camp, which was the only on trail water since town made dinner and called it a night.

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