Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 26 - Car Trails

June 14th
12 Miles
Pseudo Campsite Off the Car Trail

Finally got out of Helena today. Spins and I got up and packed this morning and she went to the doctor again to ask some other questions about her condition. She has a respiratory infection, bronchitis, and a fever so the doc's threw her on antibiotics and steroids. She was feeling pretty rough yesterday and mostly slept in the hotel room. While she was at the clinic I was hanging out with our packs in the park right next door and some sort of event was going on. After listening for a bit I realized it was a church service. Pretty neat to have church outside. After there service they had a cookout and a band playing. A couple of people came up to me and offered me some food which was super kind. I talked to a few others about my trip and the CDT. Gabe was one of these people who I chatted for a bit with and he offered us a ride back up to MacDonald Pass where the trail is. When Spins got out of the doc's we went to Pizza Hut and carb loaded for the hike and then Gabe picked us up and drove us back to the trail. Thanks again Gabe! 

We got hiking today around 3:30 and the trail was pretty mellow and actually well cleared and maintained. As I thought that today the trail switched over to being high grass with a bunch of blowdowns and the occasional disappearing trail which was relatively easy to follow with posts in the distance. The rest of the trail for the day was dirt roads or as I like to call trails. On the PCT Spins and I were overlooking a view and I pointed out dirt roads in the distance and called them car trails with plenty of laughter following and since then dirt roads are car trails. Along the major car trail at the end of the day were a number of campsites off the side which have big ol' fire pits, water nearby, and nice flat camping. After seeing the second one we knew it wasn't getting any better than that and settled down for the night.

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