Monday, July 8, 2013

Day 16 - Push to Benchmark

July 4th
12 Miles
Benchmark Campground

This morning went by rather quickly and it was a other day of hiking through burn area. Getting closer to Benchmark it got forested again and we ran into hordes of people heading north into the Bob for the July 4th weekend. Everyone had a dog. Literally. There was even a girl carrying this little rat-like dog in her hands which I found quite comical. Getting into Benchmark meant arriving at a trailhead parking lot and then a mile and a half exposed dirt road walk to the ranch in the heat. Luckily we got a ride on the road to the ranch, yay holiday traffic! 

At the ranch, Panama and Beth and the dogs were already diggin through there boxes and they decided to be done for the day. Beth's feet were pretty swollen and blistered so relaxation and rest are needed. We got our boxes and food together and lingered around while chatting with family associated with the ranch. They drove us back to the trailhead which also has a campground which we caved into and called it a day as well. All these 20 mile days have been tiresome so a low mile rest day felt great. We also realized that regardless of the miles done today after Benchmark we'd still get into Lincoln on Sunday and would hangs to wait till Monday to get our packages so we camped at a nice campground and *gasp* relaxed.


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