So I finally made it out of Bend Oregon after spending roughly a business week there hanging around and enjoying all the town had to offer. Thanks again to Spins' brother Jeff and his girlfriend Sarah for letting us stay with them and for their hospitality.
Sarah drove Spins and I up to the town of Sisters and we all had breakfast at the delicious local bakery. After stuffing down a few thousand calories of sugar, we hitched out to the trailhead. There were a bunch of cars for a Tuesday at the trailhead and as I hiked along I saw more and more hunters out and about. Seeing a bunch of guys hanging around the woods with rifles in their hands is slightly unnerving mainly because my pack is a tan deerskin like color. I bought a bright hunters orange hat in Bend figuring I'd need it in Washington for hunting season but looks like it came in handy immediately. The majority of the hiking today was an old burn area so it was exposed which allowed the sun to shine on some tasty huckleberry bushes. I ate then until my mouth was stained purple and I was happy. It was starting to get dark and we pushed a bit further until Rockpile Lake.
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