Monday, May 11, 2015

Day 2 - Burnt Out

Today was not a fun day. Setting out around 7am we took off back on the road. It didn't take long for the sun to appear and it warmed up fast, especially on the reflective asphalt. The morning roadwalk passed by uneventfully and by the time our first break of the day arrived, it was got and my sunburn was angry. We made sure to stay super hydrated because of the heat. I'm sure the temperature was I. The 80's and on blacktop I'm sure it was even hotter. We could see the heat coming of the road in the distance and after a while I put on the bottom half of my pants to keep the sun off. Without my umbrella this whole experience would have been 100x more miserable. The road turned into lighter pavement but by that time the assaulting rays of the sun had already done their damage.

While on this section of road there were  really cool private homes as well as neat abandoned homes. The trees gave way and a nice view of mountains flooded me with excitement.
The second half of the day was coming up to and following Chazy Lake, pounding some more pavement. The sun from 12-5 was when it was at its strongest and my legs were on fire even with pants on. The reflectiveness of the road was burning my arms even with the umbrella out so I put on a long sleeve for the rest of the day. That left me overheated and when we made camp for the night both Spins and I were crispy. I had to take a good half hour to hour to cool down after we stopped for the day and the heat rash on top of the sunburn felt oh so nice. We did around 19milea of roadwalking and my feet sure as hell felt every step. Tomorrow is a new day. Hopefully a cloudy one!

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