Friday, August 3, 2012

Day Hikers Galore! - mile 1174 - 7/28

After two 25 mile days everyone felt a little sore and groggy this morning especially after pushing a little further last night. Things got rolling to a slow start and for Typo an even slower start. Almost immediately these clean and fresh smelling people started to appear everywhere. I knew almost instantly that a major road must be nearby and that it must be a weekend. The weekend hikers were out in droves and it always seems like every group wants to stop and chat in the morning. Now a few conversations a day are fine and I truly enjoy them sharing my hike it's a wonderful part of the trail but when I have to hike over 20 plus miles in a day, my time becomes a bit new precious.

I made my way down towards the sound of traffic which was highway 40 and then I was lucky enough to cross under I-80. It also happens that the trail goes right by the highway reststop with bathrooms, water and such. My mind wandered to sweet dreams of vending machine glory all the sugary drinks and corn-based munchables I could afford. When I got there there were no vending machines, I got my hopes up for nothing and was mentally defeated, crushed.

On the way out I passed Listener who I have not seen since before the Sierras and she said she jumped up 160 miles because she couldn't make it up there. I was glad to see that she just moved along instead of throwing in the towel because when I last saw her she was in pretty rough shape.

I took lunch at a Sierra Club funded hut which was in really nice condition. After stepping up the miles the past few days my appetite has skyrocketed and I have been devouring calories. After lunch I hikes over two rolling hills to a big infested river to get water. A nice couple hiking south told me of a gushing piped spring two miles up, sounds much better than the water down here. Only a few more miles to camp past the fantastically chilling spring I am definitely having a fire tonight. After one more big day I'll be in Sierra City where hopefully I'll get my new Chaco's in the mail. My sandals are pretty destroyed and my feet can feel it so I'm pretty excited for new sandals. I've gotten 1000 miles out of them so they have definitely treated me well and new sandals days is always exciting.

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